Terms and Conditions


§ 1. General provisions

  1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) specify the principles and conditions of delivery, intellectual property rights and general principles of cooperation for the delivery of digital content in the form of boat plans using the online store operating at the Internet address https://boatplans.net, hereinafter referred to as the “store”
  2. The store is owned by Moon, with its registered office in 44-207 Rybnik, Podmiejska 95, Poland operating on the basis of an entry in the Central Register of Business Activities, NIP 642-284-93-24 (hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”).
  3. Contact with the Supplier is possible via:
    • e-mail – at the address: info@boatplans.net
    • traditional mail – at the address: ul. Podmiejska 95, 44-207 Rybnik, Poland
    • phone – at: +48 697 639 800
  4. As part of its business activity, the Supplier: provides Recipients with digital content in the form of boat plans
  5. Before starting to use the Store, the Customer is obliged to read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  6. Before purchasing digital content, the customer is obliged to accept the regulations and must read and accept the terms of withdrawal from the agreement.
  7. These terms of purchase of cooperation apply to all buyers of digital content in the form of boat plans, in the event that you do not agree to them, this cooperation is not possible.
  8. Any changes / updates to these regulations and other provisions will be placed on the website www.

§ 2. Definitions

  1. The words used in the Regulations have the following meaning:
    • Supplier – Moon company – selling digital content in the online store in the form of boat plans
    • Customer – Recipient/Buyer of digital content in the online store
    • Digital content – ​​boat plan purchased in the online store
    • Regulations – a set of provisions, arrangements governing cooperation between the supplier
      and the customer.
    • Agreement – ​​an agreement concluded between the buyer and suppliers covering the delivery of digital content to the customer by the supplier via the online store
    • Privacy Policy – ​​a document containing information on the processing of personal data of Customers by the Supplier

§ 2. General provisions

  1. The user of the online store operating at https://boatplans.net declares that he or she is of legal age and is fully consciously purchasing digital content in the form of boat plans.
  2. The buyer undertakes to use the purchased digital content in a manner consistent with these regulations and in accordance with the law.
  3. It is prohibited to duplicate or make available to third parties this digital content in the form of boat plans
  4. The buyer undertakes not to infringe the copyrights of the purchased digital content.
  5. The buyer making a purchase in the online store receives digital content in the form of a boat plan for single use.
  6. The purchased boat plan may only be used for private purposes.
  7. The use of digital content purchased in the online store for serial production is prohibited.
  8. Due to the specific nature of the digital content sold in the form of boat plans, the buyer, by making a purchase, consciously consents to the immediate provision and delivery of the digital content and acknowledges and accepts that upon delivery, he or she loses the right to withdraw from the contract.

§ 4 Technical requirements

  1. In order for Customers to use the Store correctly, it is necessary to all:
    • connect to the Internet
    • have devices that allow you to use the resources of the Internet
    • use an Internet browser
    • have an active e-mail account
    • have computer programs that allow you to read files in the .pdf, .dxf format
  2. Within the store, customers are prohibited from using viruses, bots, worms or other computer codes, files or programs
  3. The Supplier recommends using antivirus programs or means that protect identification on the Internet

§ 5 Restrictions

  1. The supplier reserves the right to change prices for the provision of digital content in the form of boat plans without prior notice.
  2. The supplier may discontinue or introduce modifications to the operation of the store at any time and provide additional information.
  3. The supplier is not responsible for changing the deadlines for the delivery of digital content
  4. The supplier is not responsible to the buyer or any third party for modifying the operation of the service, changing prices, discontinuing or suspending the operation of the store.

§ 6. Rules of using the Service

  1. The Supplier shall exercise due diligence to ensure that the digital goods available in the store
    are in accordance with the legal status applicable at the time of their delivery.
  2. At the same time, the Recipient acknowledges that:
    • The Supplier is not obliged to update the digital goods after they have been delivered to the Recipient
    • the Supplier is not obliged to inform the Recipient about changes in the legal status affecting the delivered digital goods
    • the Supplier has no influence on the manner of interpretation of legal provisions by common courts and competent state authorities
    • in the digital goods, an unintentional
    • inaccuracy may accidentally appear
    • the Recipient’s failure to use the delivered digital goods, despite
    • the possibility of using them, does not entitle the Recipient to demand from the Supplier
    • a refund of the price for the given digital goods (in the event that the digital goods were
    • delivered in exchange for payment of the price)

§ 7. Availability of digital content, methods of implementation and deadlines

  1. Digital content offered in the store is available only online via the website.
  2. As standard, digital content in the form of boat plans is available immediately on the website or emails are sent within 1 business day.
  3. The supplier reserves the right to establish an individual deadline for the delivery of digital content with the customer if any modifications or changes are required, as well as when this is stated in the online store.
  4. The supplier reserves the right to refuse to sell digital content without giving a reason.
  5. The supplier reserves the right to exclude / limit the sale of digital content in the form of boat plans to a given person, country, region, etc.
  6. The supplier reserves the right to withdraw / cancel an order for a given person if there are grounds for doing so
  7. The supplier may withdraw digital content from the store without prior notice.
  8. The buyer is responsible for providing accurate, proper and true data necessary to complete the order.
  9. The buyer agrees to any contact by email / or telephone in the event that it is necessary to complete the order

§ 8. Third Parties

  1. The Seller reserves the right to entrust the creation of digital content available in the online store to third parties/entities
  2. The Buyer acknowledges the above point and accepts such a state of affairs.
  3. In the event of the creation of digital content by another entity on behalf of the Seller, the responsibility for the proper and accurate creation of digital content in the form of boat plans is borne by the person actually creating the digital content.

§ 9. Limitation of liability

  1. The Seller declares that it makes every effort to ensure that the digital content available on the website in the form of plans is free from errors and mistakes. However, it is not able to guarantee that such will not occur.
  2. The Seller is not responsible in any way for discrepancies resulting from the real digital content and the customer’s expectations
  3. The Seller is not responsible for the improper use of the digital content
  4. The Seller is not responsible for the method of making a real unit based on the boat plans
  5. The Customer declares that he has the necessary knowledge, experience and technical skills.
  6. The Customer declares that he can navigate and understands the digital content in the form of boat plans
  7. The Customer declares that the digital content purchased by him will be used only once and exclusively for his own use
  8. Any modifications to the received digital content are prohibited
  9. The Seller is not responsible for the improper use of the boat plans resulting from negligence, lack of knowledge or experience.
  10. The Seller is not responsible for injuries, losses, both direct and indirect, incurred when using the digital content.
  11. The seller is not responsible for errors in the construction of the unit because he is not able to assess the skills, accuracy and materials used for the construction by the buyer.
  12. Any modification of the received digital content – boat plan is prohibited, and automatically results in the lack of any possibility of filing claims against the seller.
  13. The buyer declares that he is aware that any change introduced may result in a complete change in the value, buoyancy and safety of the unit and takes full responsibility for this.
  14. The buyer declares that he has the necessary equipment and authorizations that may be required when constructing the unit based on digital content.
  15. The seller is not responsible for replacement costs, lost profits or income in connection with the use of digital content.

§ 10. Other – Transfer of ownership to the seller

  1. If the customer decides to send the seller their ideas, proposals in the form of pdf files, by e-mail or any other means of communication, they agree to transfer the seller the rights to this content, agree to their use, modification and editing. By sending photos of the unit they have made based on the purchased digital content – boat plans, the buyer agrees to make these photos available for image, advertising and illustrative purposes, unless otherwise agreed
  2. All agreements must be made in writing under penalty of nullity.

§ 11. Termination of the contract

  1. Each time – for each order for digital content in the form of boat plans, a separate purchase and sale agreement is concluded with the obligation to pay.
  2. In the event of non-payment, the seller reserves the right to immediately terminate the agreement.
  3. The termination of the agreement takes place after the fulfillment of the agreement, i.e. delivery of the digital content to the buyer.
  4. In principle, in connection with the regulations on the delivery of digital content, there is no possibility of withdrawal from the agreement and reimbursement of costs.
  5. The seller reserves the right to agree to terminate the agreement in another way if exceptional circumstances arise, assessed unilaterally by the seller

§ 12. Intellectual Property of Supplier

  1. All components of the store such as:
    • store name
    • store logo
    • brand
    • photos and descriptions of digital goods
    • digital content
    • principles of operation of the Service website, all its graphic elements, interface, software, source code and databases – are subject to legal protection under the provisions of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights, the Act of 30 June 2000 – Industrial Property Law, the Act of 16 April 1993 on combating unfair competition and other generally applicable provisions of law, including the provisions of European Union law.
  2. Any use of the intellectual property of the Supplier is prohibited

§ 13. Personal data

  1. Te submission of personal data through the store is subject to our Privacy Policy.

§ 13.Final provisions

  1. These regulations and the agreement under which digital content delivery services are provided are subject to Polish law.
  2. We reserve the right to update, change, all or part of the regulations – the buyer is obliged to know them and, in the case of using our store, accept this document.
  3. Here is the most up-to-date version of the regulations.
  4. During implementation, the entire regulations apply without exceptions
  5. Each time the regulations are changed, they will be placed on the website.
  6. Questions regarding these regulations can be sent to the email: info@boatplans.net